Reminder: Hypnosis is a level up move for Ralts and Kirlia but not for Gallade.

Plus, Sleep condition will buy you extra turns if you're planning on using a Timer Ball. Sleep raises those odds higher then paralysis. You got two options: Hypnosis: When catching a pokemon a Status condition will raise the odds of catching a pokemon. Double Battles are the easiest way to Sketch the move you want. Smeargle will have to Sketch the moveset. Caution when using Taunt: If the pokemon you're facing runs out of attack moves (Aticuno using up all 10 Ice Beams) and you use Taunt, the pokemon will use Struggle and KO itself if you've False Swiped it. That way you will not be hindered as much when trying to put them to sleep or False Swipe them. Taunt is prove invaluable as it stops the ledgendary birds on Platinum from using Roost, Safegaurd (moltres), and Reflect (articuno). If Gallade faints or is Switched out after using Mean Look, the Roamer will flee on the next turn. However, Mean Look is an egg move, meaning you must mate a female Gardevoir/Kirlia/Ralts with a male Gengar or Dusknoir to breed the move. Gallade is the only pokemon who can legally learn both of those moves.

Thunder Wave Mean Look and False Swipe are the key moves here. Here's my reccomendation on using Gallade or Smeargle to catch Roamers: Moveset: I've checked every pokemon's movesets and found out that only two pokemon are capable of learning Mean Look, a Status Move, and False Swipe: Gallade and Smeargle. What I've written here is a guide to help you catch a Roaming Ledgendary WITHOUT USING MASTER BALLS. Most of us just clone Master Balls on Emerald and then catch the Roamers with no problem. If you need help catching Raikou, Entei, or in HGSS read this post.īasically, everyone is annoyed by Roaming Ledgendaries. This post contains info on the Roaming Legendaries in Platinum. This is something many kids at league ask me for help on, so I've decided to write a guide on it.